In our warmer months here at the Garden, thousands of show-stopping new blooms are on display. There’s something new to see every week. If you visit in winter, the Garden looks pretty different, but you still won’t miss out on our fantastic flowers. In fact, our WPS Garden of Lights “Field of Flowers” display features a stunning spread of twinkling lights cascading down a hillside. It’s a bright summer scene in a snowy landscape.

Featured in our “Field of Flowers” printable gift tags is the purple coneflower (Echinacea purpurea). Popular for their showy purple petals, chances are you’ve seen them around quite a bit. Our local wildlife can’t get enough of them either! They are perennials native to Wisconsin’s prairies, meadows, and some woods. Being native, they’re a favorite of our local pollinators and are a great choice to add color and height to your garden4.

Irises are popular for their unique shape and delicate large petals. While there are around 280 species of iris globally, we do have some that are native to Wisconsin. Shreve’s Iris (Iris virginica var. shrevei) are tall irises with dark violet, light blue, or rarely white blooms. They’re pretty widespread throughout the central and eastern United States. The Harlequin Blue Flag iris (Iris versicolor) has a smaller range but does pop up in Wisconsin. It features striking blue to purple blooms that are more compact than an ornamental iris3.

America’s native pasqueflower (Pulsatilla patens var. multifida also known as Anemone patens var. multifida) is distributed throughout North America, including Wisconsin. Pasqueflowers are unique flowers that actually prefer cooler temperatures and high altitudes. After all, they’re dressed for the weather with long silky hair covering the plant1. It sounds kind of odd, but they have their own unique beauty.

Autumn crocus (Colchicum spp.) is native to Europe and North Africa. It’s a bulb, like the other members of the lily family, but not a true crocus like the ones that bloom in spring. Autumn crocuses have a unique approach to life. In fall when they’re in bloom, they have no leaves. Instead, their leaves make an appearance in spring, getting all the photosynthesis done in advance2.
Now that you know a little more about our featured flowers, you’re ready for the craft!
Craft Instructions
To complete the craft, start by downloading and printing out the attached file. For the highest quality gift tags, print on card stock instead of lighter weight printer paper. Next, color the flowers. When you’re satisfied with the appearance of your tags, cut them out on the dashed line. Finally, hole punch the indicated area on the tags to attach them to your gifts!

Delmatier, Charmaine. “Pasqueflower.” U.S. Forest Service, United States Department of Agriculture, 2016,
Mahr, Susan. “Autumn Crocus, Colchicum Spp.” Wisconsin Horticulture, University Wisconsin-Madison Division of Extension, Accessed 30 Nov. 2023.
“Our Native Irises.” U.S. Forest Service, United States Department of Agriculture, Accessed 30 Nov. 2023.
“Purple Coneflower, Echinacea Purpurea.” Wisconsin Pollinators,,slight%20fragrance%20in%20strong%20sunlight. Accessed 30 Nov. 2023.